Tuesday, December 1, 2009
A paranormal story - My true creepy ghost experience - Ghost? Spirit? What's it?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Top 10 Classic Halloween Horror Movies, Scary? LOL
If you want to hear some scary Halloween horror sounds and music then listen to this video. This is no doubt a good collection of scary Halloween horror sound and music that is great for any Halloween party.
Monday, September 28, 2009
2012 End Of the World,2012 Doomsday, December 2012, 2012 prophecy, 2012 predictions, Mayan 2012, nibiru 2012 | Odds And Ends
2012, 2012 ? End Of the World?,2012 Doomsday, December 2012, 2012 prophecy, 2012 predictions, Mayan 2012, nibiru 2012 | Odds And Ends
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Paranormal Freak, Paranormal Activity - Fans Screaming For New Movie
The film is shot documentary style (but is scripted, like "Blair Witch"), and concerns a couple who may have a poltergeist in their home. They're dubious at first, but quickly modify their tunes after "things" start happening. But by then is it late? After all, horror movies have a tendency to punish doubters as much as amorous teenagers.
Two of the things that makes "Paranormal Activity" distinctive is its release schedule. Right now, the film is only being screened in a handful of theaters. However, if moviegoers make enough noise and bug the studio bigwigs, the film may receive a wider release. Wisely, the filmmakers have made it easy for fans to voice their demand. A visit to the movie's official site leads to a form that goes to theater owners. Power to the people.
And then there is the trailer -- "Paranormal Activity" did something distinctive in that the trailer aims the camera at a special sneak preview audience reacting to what they're seeing on screen. The moviegoers scream, jump, and generally turn in to blubbering messes of terror. It is what every horror fan wants to see.
Lookups on "paranormal activity" are up a whopping 450% this week, and related queries on "paranormal activity trailer" are also trending upwards. Feeling heroic? You can watch it for yourself below...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Scariest horror movie scenes
Clown horror scenes - Scariest Movie Villains: Pennywise the Clown
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Ghost Paranormal, psychic phenomena, Ghost paranormal fear

Ghost Paranormal is an umbrella term that is used to refer strange happenings or experiences that either lacks or has no obvious scientific explanation. In terms of the science of parapsychology, the term Ghost Paranormal is used to describe the potentially psychic phenomena of extra-sensory perception, telepathy, psycho kinesis, ghosts and haunting. The term is also applied to talk about the UFOs, some of the creatures that fall under the scope of crypto zoology, purported phenomena surrounding the Bermuda Triangle and various other non-psychical subjects. Stories that relates to Ghost Paranormal phenomena are very common in popular culture and folklore, but some organizations such as the United States National Science Foundation or the USNSF have also stated that mainstream science does not support Ghost Paranormal beliefs.
Approaching the Ghost Paranormal occurrence from a research point of view is often very difficult because even when the phenomena are seen as real they may not be easy to explain using existing rules or theory. By definition, Ghost Paranormal phenomena exist outside of conservative norms. Cynics challenge that they do not exist at all. In spite of this challenge, studies on the Ghost Paranormal are from time to time conducted by researchers from various disciplines and filed of walks. Some researchers study just the beliefs in Ghost Paranormal phenomena regardless of whether the phenomena actually exist.
This section deals with various approaches to the Ghost Paranormal, including those scientific, pseudoscientific and unscientific. Skeptics feel that supposed scientific approaches are actually pseudoscientific for several reasonsTuesday, September 8, 2009
Ghost of king Henry VIII's last wife Catherine Parr haunts Robin Williams
He explained: "I think there are ghosts. I haven't seen or heard anything. I've definitely felt something but it's not scary. I'm very, very pleased to say.
"It's Catherine's Parr's old house. In fact, we're actually not in the old house, we're in her barn."
Robbie and Ayda moved from Los Angeles to Britain earlier this year to prepare for his musical comeback.
Robbie said: "I can't even believe that a 35-year old me has bought a 500-year-old place. Because at 26 or 27 there's no way that I would have chosen to be there or go anywhere near it.
"But it's lovely and the people have been great with us."
It's not the first time Robbie's house has been linked to paranormal activity.
The star reportedly purchased the property because it is crossed with 'ley lines' - invisible energy routes believed to attract aliens.
Robbie is "obsessed" with extra-terrestrials, and claims to have seen three UFOs during his lifetime.
Cemeteries, Famous Cemeteries, World's Most Famous Cemeteries
And while the park has become the de rigueur destination for outdoor leisure, the unlikely allure of the cemetery persists. But graveyard-goers have a different motivation: to dive in to an atmosphere that's both woebegone and placid, a place that offers a harmonious blend of nature and art, history and horticulture all wrapped up in a contained space. And if that's not enough, a visit to our experts' favorite cemeteries ensures a celebrity sighting - in the form of a gravestone, of course - just about every time.
The ultimate cemetery as a tourist destination is Paris' Pere Lachaise. Most travelers put this 118-acre graveyard on their "must see" itinerary because of its famous inhabitants: Oscar Wilde, Edith Piaf, Honoré de Balzac, Marcel Proust, Alice B. Toklas, Richard Wright, and, of course, Jim Morrison. But for Marilyn Yalom, author of the recently published book "The American Resting Place: 400 Years of History Through Our Cemeteries and Burial Grounds," the significance of Paris' landmark graveyard is that it became the 19th-century archetype. "Pere Lachaise is and was the model for all the rural cemeteries built in the United States from 1831 on," says Yalom. "It was the first big cemetery outside the city walls of Paris. And this was the first time when cemeteries were just making the transition between inner-city cemetery to garden or rural cemetery."
The first Pere Lachaise-like cemetery in United States - and still today one of the most beautiful - was Mt. Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Mass. "I love to walk there," says Yalom, who notes that Mt. Auburn is one of her favorites among the hundreds she's visited. "I love to see the trees and so many famous writers and thinkers are buried there." Buckminster Fuller, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and B.F. Skinner are a few of the longtime inhabitants.
For Jon Berendt, author of the best-selling books "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" and "City of Falling Angels," cemeteries have a philosophical significance. "Cemeteries are fascinating," he says. "They're a living representation of the culture, the history, the passion of the civilization that deposits its dead there; they're a spiritual link to the past." For that reason, Berendt says he always stops by the local cemetery when he's researching a book. "If you really want to get into the history and the people and the famous families, go to the cemetery."
And that's exactly what he did when he first moved to Venice to pen "City of Falling Angels." Venice's main cemetery, San Michele, located on an island a few minutes via vaparetto from Venice, is nicknamed the "isle of the dead." It's best appreciated for what's not there: living bodies. When Saint Mark's Square fills up with masses of tourists, San Michele is the place for peace and quiet. "It's mystical and evocative," says Berendt, mentioning the crammed-together headstones and the tall cypress trees (an obligatory staple for any Italian cemetery). "And you can see the graves of Ezra Pound, Igor Stravinsky and Joseph Brodsky."
The Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague may not boast any names you've heard of, but this burial ground from the 15th century is one of most haunting cemeteries on the planet. The 12,000 corpses crammed into a block-long space have forced the tall thin gravestones to slant in all directions. It also happens to be a favorite of award-winning Irish author John Banville, who penned a travel book about the Czech capital, "Prague Pictures: A Portrait of the City." "I suppose a large part of the fascination of the Old Jewish Cemetery," says Banville, "is how it is wedged into the modern city, a memento mori and a memento vitae. And of course, it is one of the saddest and eeriest urban sites I know."
In Buenos Aires, there may be one grave - that of Eva Peron - which draws countless tourists to La Recoleta Cemetery, but Tony Perrottet says the real lure is the of the entire place. "Really, the journey to Peron's tomb is the most stunning part of La Recoleta," says the author of "Napoleon's Privates: 2500 Years of History Unzipped." When Perrottet worked as a foreign correspondent, he'd often spend time here for a little tranquility as well as the elegance of the place. "You walk past these giant marble angels and statues of children that had been plucked from their mother's side cruelly by fate. I think the ambiance of the place is very alluring."
Back on American soil, the most famous cemetery in the country is Arlington National Cemetery. Marilyn Yalom says it is not to be missed. "There's a different reason why someone would come here than, say, Pere Lachaise," she says of the massive burial ground just outside of Washington, D.C. "People go there to see the grave of John F. Kennedy, but with the graves of some 360,000 veterans, there's nothing else like it in the United States. You cannot help but have a sense of American history and patriotism."
Less famous, but just as haunting is New Orleans' St. Louis #1 Cemetery. Founded in 1789 just outside of the French Quarter, this graveyard might be one of the most evocative in the United States. "Most people are drawn to cemeteries like St. Louis because our burial customs are different from those practiced in other parts of the country," says Lora Williams, the programs coordinator for the Big Easy-based Save Our Cemeteries. And she's right: the jumbled aboveground tombs look like little houses, giving new meaning to the term "city of the dead." The cemetery was made famous when it had appeared in the 1969 Dennis Hopper film "Easy Rider," and it's been one of the United States' most iconic and favorite cemeteries every since.
The Unexplainable Store- Astral Projection Meditation Manifestation Sleep Lucid Dream Esp Chakra Psychic Creativity Dna Endorphin Health Motivation Prosperity Relaxation Weight Loss Hypnosis Memory Telepathy Remote Viewing Past Life Reg.
Monday, August 31, 2009
The Bloodstain: ghost story, paranormal fear
The Phelps place was an old, abandoned property with a monstrous, decrepit Victorian house that was supposed to be haunted. It should have been a good resting place for the local deer hunters, but they would not go near it. A few that tried came away before midnight with tales of ghostly thumping noises, gasps, moans, and a terrible wet bloodstain that appeared on the floor of the front porch and could not be wiped away.
Phelps was an Englishman who had purchased land some 20 miles off the Mendocino coast in the 1880s. He had built a huge, fancy Victorian house all covered with gingerbread trimmings and surrounded by lovely gardens. When everything was arranged to his liking, he sent out party invitations to everyone within messenger range. It was the biggest social event of the year, with music and dancing and huge amounts of food. Sawhorse tables were set up with refreshments, and drinks were set out on the front porch. People came from miles around. The only one missing was old man McInturf's son-in-law. They had had a terrible fight that afternoon, and the boy had stalked off in a rage, threatening to get even with the old man.
Around midnight, the musicians took a recess and old man McInturf went out on the front porch with some friends. Suddenly there came the thunder of hooves rushing up the lane. A cloaked figure rode towards the lantern-lit porch. McInturf put down his drink. "That will be my son-in-law," he told his friends as he went down the steps. The cloaked figure stopped his horse just outside the pool of lantern-light. There was a sharp movement and two loud shots from a gun. Old man McInturf staggered backwards, shot in the throat and the chest. The cloaked man wheeled his horse and fled down the lane as friends ran to the assistance of the old man.
They laid McInturf down on the porch. He was bleeding heavily and they were afraid to move him much. There was some talk of fetching the doctor, but everyone knew it was too late. So much blood was pouring from the old man's wounds that it formed a pool underneath his head. McInturf coughed, once, twice; a hideous, gurgling, strangling sound that wrenched at the hearts of all who heard it. Then he died.
McInturf's body was laid out on the sofa, and the once-merry guests left in stricken silence. The servants came and wiped the red-brown bloodstain off the floorboards. The next day, a wagon was brought to the front of the house and McInturf's body was carried out onto the porch. As the men stepped across the place where McInturf had died, blood began to pool around their boots, forming a wet stain in exactly the pattern that had been wiped up by the servants the night before. The men gasped in fear. One of them staggered and almost dropped the body. They hurriedly laid McInturf in the back of the wagon, and a pale Phelps ordered the servants to clean up the fresh bloodstain.
From that day forward, the Phelps could not keep that part of the porch clean. Every few weeks, the damp bloodstain would reappear. They tried repainting the porch a few times, but the bloodstain would always leak through. In the county jail, McInturf's son-in-law died of a blood clot in the brain. A few months later, one of the Phelps servants went mad after seeing a "terrible sight" that made his head feel like it was going to explode. Folks started saying the house was being haunted by the ghost of McInturf, seeking revenge. The property was resold several times but each resident was driven out by the terrible, gasping ghost of McInturf reliving his last moments and by the bloodstain that could not be removed from the porch. The house was eventually abandoned.