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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Mysterious Crosses of Light

Elk Transmission
Mediation Group

Unexplained crosses of light have been appearing in churches and non-religious settings around the world for more than 10 years, according to the Elk Transmission Mediation Group. One of the first appeared in 1988 in the bathroom of an apartment in El Monte, California. Since that sighting, other crosses of light have been documented in the Philippines; Knoxville, Tennessee; Altadena, Calif.; Vancouver, B.C.; a suburb of New Orleans, Louisiana; as well as France, Germany and New Zealand. According to the reports, no sources could be found to reasonably account for the images. "The crosses are indeed in the windows at the Copper Ridge Baptist Church," wrote The Greenville Sun columnist Bob Hurley about the Knoxville apparition. "That is a fact. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. There at first, I was a bit of a skeptic myself. But now that I've seen the crosses of Copper Ridge with these two eyes, I'm a believer."

1 comment:

jizzle said...

that cross that appeared years ago appeared in my apt. 2 days before we move out any more information ? i would really want to know.