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Monday, November 10, 2008

EVP, What Is EVP, EVP Definition, Electronic voice phenomena, Paranormal, Ghosts, Spirits

Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are sections of static noise on the radio or electronic recording that some listeners believe sound like voices speaking words; paranormal investigators sometimes interpret these noises as the voices of ghosts or spirits. Recording EVP has become a technique of those who attempt to contact the souls of dead loved ones or during ghost hunting activities. According to parapsychologist Konstantin Raudive, who popularized the idea, EVP are typically brief, usually the length of a word or short phrase.

References to EVP have appeared in the reality television shows Paranormal State, Most Haunted, Celebrity Paranormal Project, and Ghost Hunters, the fictional television series Supernatural, Medium, Maury (TV series) and Ghost Whisperer and Hollywood films such as White Noise and The Sixth Sense.

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